Saturday, August 1, 2015

Russell Street School Impression

I'm impressed by the artistic culture of this school and how they present themselves online. It's impressive to see the activity and use of technology not just by the teachers, but by the students as well. Russell Street School takes a different approach to education by creating a digital platform to give the opportunity to the students to display their work, ideas, and opinions. Russell Street gives the students a voice into their own education by allowing them the opportunity to take part in the exhibit of their school. I noticed the layout is by room and then it breaks it down to each student having their own blog, which brings the classroom to life and then gives it an individual voice through each student's blog.

This style of education is accessing the whole student by giving them a voice, building their confidence, creating an independence within the entirety of the student body, showcasing their talents and the dynamic of the school, which sees importance in the arts and physical education that I feel lacks in our school system. The idea of generating a website to share to the world with the students involvement through their voices, within their blogs, and the individual classrooms displaying their daily activities gives insight into the style of education and the perspective this school stands for. I enjoyed the dances the students presented and the music they preformed within the videos, it gives a great sense of cultural pride within this school setting. It was interesting to read some of the students' blogs and how well written and thought out they were. In some of my research, I've found that blogging enhances reading and writing skills and gives the students ability to be creative and think more critically. You can see this in many of the blogs by the individual students and many of the students had videos, which showcase the things they were proud of.

It's commendable that Russell Street School has set a strong foundation utilizing technology within their school. They are on the right track to building the whole student and enhancing the learning environment. I would love to see our education system to seek out the importance of building the arts within our school and allowing students to employ their own thoughts and ideas through the use of blogs where the students can be the community within the school. It gives the students a sense of ownership in their school and in return, builds confidence and pride in the work they put out for their education. I admire the work of Russell Street School and I congratulate them on a well thought out curriculum that encompasses a strong foundation to build successful students.


  1. I agree with you that they are giving students a voice and building their confidence. The students at Russell Street School truly have control of their education and understand what steps they need to take to achieve their goals.

    1. The school system needs to give students more credit and responsibility for themselves. The education the system is providing is truly in benefit of the student so allowing them a voice gives them the opportunity to be a part of their school and to have a say in their own education. I find this to be a value to a school and I believe all school systems can learn something from Russell Street School.

  2. Catrina - I think giving students a voice is more important than ever. In schools where they feel beset by standardized tests and electives are squeezed to create more "instructional" time (as if art and PE and recess aren't instructional), it becomes critical to give students some avenue for reflection and self-expression.

    1. I agree and what I believe gets overlooked is the fact students need their "play" time where they can be more focused in school

  3. A friend of mine is considering leaving private industry and becoming a teacher here in Seattle, and she noted "all the Seattle schools have seemingly professional websites...that actually tell me nothing about what is going on in the school". Which is totally true. I remember finding it almost impossible to get any impression of what students were doing at any school, which is a shame. The public blog approach would really help increase their transparency.

    1. Here in Boise, Idaho the school system is good at keeping parents informed with their school websites and infinite campus, but I would love to see blogging becoming part of the school district as well and to see the kids taking part in their own education. I really think this would be a huge value to the school and to the students.

  4. I think one of the most important comments you make is near the end. Arts in education is so undervalued. The more we empower students to be creators and and take charge of their communities the better.

    1. I'm a believer that the arts impact learning. It's true that reading, writing, and math are important to every curriculum but the arts allows the students freedom of expression, creatively, and to be independent in design. It's an important asset to the curriculum that I feel becomes overlooked.
