Sunday, August 2, 2015

Impressions of the Russell Street School

I am very impressed with the Russell Street School blog. I am amazed at how involved the students, teachers, administrators, and parents are when it comes to Russell Street. I like how there are many authors to the main blog allowing staff to keep everyone informed. My district has a school website and uses Twitter to inform parents of events going on but I like the idea of a school wide or even district wide blog. I plan on showing my principal how Russell Street School runs their blog and hopefully convince her into using a blog in addition to the Twitter account currently being used.

I visited Room 9 and liked how it was set up. There were different tabs for different subject areas. This blog has given me some ideas of how I would like to set up my class blog. As an Intervention Specialist, many times I teach many levels of Language Art and many levels of Math. I can set my classroom blog up like Room 9 with each of my class periods having a separate tab.

When looking at the student blogs, it was like a lightbulb went off inside my head. When I was thinking of doing a classroom blog, I was dead set on using students' first and last names. What was I thinking? I can just have students use their first names. Duh! 

Overall, I think that the Russell Street School blog is a great example of a school blog. It gave me great ideas for when I have my own classroom blog and potentially school wide blog. 


  1. I, too, was inspired to think about ways to set up blogging this coming school year. It was a great experience to see such a vivid example of blogging in an elementary school. When our class began, I began searching for examples on the internet, and came upon Russell Street School.

    1. Russell Street School is definitely a great example of blog usage. That is interesting that when you searched for examples that it came up.

  2. I teach reading and math intervention. What a great idea for a blog. I had not thought of that before.

    1. What grade level(s) do you teach reading and math intervention?

  3. Danielle,

    I agree that the Russell Street School's blogs are really great models for us to follow. I like how you are taking what you have observed and translating it to meet the needs of your students and school. I am glad that you are talking with your principal...and impressed that you use twitter already. Having the support of administration is really important, don't you think?

    Thanks for your post!

